A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a girl (Anne-Claire) meet and fall in love. But just when she is prepared to give herself to him she finds a pair of lady's pants in his room. He is per
Ivan Drago(大卫·马佐兹 饰)是一个天真可爱的小男孩,这天他迎来了期盼已久的生日,父母决定带他去游乐园玩,在一个射击游戏的摊位上,Ivan并没有拿到名次,好心的摊主给了他一本画册以示鼓励,回家后Ivan对画册爱不释手,他发现里面有一则广告,一家十分著名的游戏公司正在征集游戏,如果得到优胜则会有丰富的奖励,Ivan对此动了心,于是开始钻研桌游,他丰富的创造力使他赢得了游戏的第一名,然而对于小Ivan来说,这仅仅是个开始……